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- Title:
- VESTNIK 4 (40) 2024
- Number:
- 4
- Year:
- 2024
- Date publication on the site:
- 2024-12-28 11:03:52
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Institutionalization of the fund acquisition process of the National Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan in 1964‒2024
UDC: 94 (470.57)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Zalifa Yu. Burangulova; Bayras V. Burangulov; Radik O. Bagautdinov;
Based on the methodological approach of institutionalization of social memory, the article examines the process of acquisition of funds of the National Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan over a 60-year period, from the moment of creation of the department of departmental archives, acquisition and expertise to the present. The authors, having studied the history of the formation of the Archival Fund of the Republic of Bashkortostan, come to the conclusion that the beginning of the 1960s was a turning point in the work of the Central State Archive of Bashkiria in cooperation with departmental archives. The reform in the acquisition of the state archive was carried out on the basis of adopted government normative legal acts and rules, methodological guidelines and recommendations of the Main Archival Department. The results of the study showed that the creation of the department of departmental archives, acquisition and expertise in the structure of the Central State Archive of the Bashkir ASSR had a positive impact on the dynamics of the development of the archival institution: it had a beneficial effect on working with organizations ‒ sources of archive acquisition; the quantitative and qualitative composition of archival funds accepted from departments, institutions and organizations increased; there is a constant increase in not only management documentation accepted into the state archive, but also documents of personal origin. The staff of the department intensified their work with scientific, design, and engineering institutions – creators of scientific and technical documentation. The management of the department was entrusted to the following employees: Volkova Praskovya Ivanovna in 1964–1968, Davydova Nina Mikhailovna – 1968–1973, Efimova Elena Sergeevna – 1973–1983, Nizamutdinova Svetlana Ulfatovna – 1983–1996, Khairullina Zinfira Sagitovna – 1996–1999, Akhmetova Venera Akhmatnazibovna – 1999–2022, Burangulova Zalifa Yulaevna – 2022 – to the present.
Historical excursion in the country of childhood, volunteering and mentoring
UDC: 371.12
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Svetlana A. Domracheva ;
The article presents some pages of the life and stage of professional formation of the personality of the scientist, professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia S. Morova; ways to create a scientific school and its innovative potential; the major milestones of education and development of the faculty, which has grown into a forge of personnel not only for education, but also for the entire social sphere. The purpose of this article is to summarize historical facts and practical experience of the scientist, head of one of the first scientific schools of the Republic of Mari El “Socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities”. The research materials were the publications of Professor N. S. Morova, which considered the issues of scientific design were considered formation and development of a scientifically based model of personnel training for the education system on the example of the faculty she created. The contribution of the outstanding to the science and practice of modern higher education in connection with the 75th anniversary was noted.
Russia is Famous for its Educators (to the 70th anniversary of Natalia N. Glukhova)
UDC: 378-057.811.511.151
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Nadezhda M. Krasnova;
The purpose of the article is to express gratitude and appreciation to our dear lecturer and colleague, Doctor of Philology, Honorary Professor of the Mari State University Natalia N. Glukhova. She is one of the outstanding figures of science in the Republic of Mari El, a Finno-Ugric scholar and an experienced lecturer. She has worked in the leading universities of the republic, the Mari Pedagogical Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya and the Mari State University for almost 46 years, she made a great contribution to the development of higher education. Natalia N. Glukhova is the author of more than 200 scientific papers in the field of linguistics and folklore studies, comparative typology and phraseology of related and unrelated languages, cultural linguistics and ethnolinguistics. Particularly we should emphasize Natalia N. Glukhova’s the contribution to the ‘opening’ of new educational programs for future students of the Mari State University. From 1988 to 1991, Natalia N. Glukhova was the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Mari Pedagogical Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya. Moreover, Natalia N. Glukhova took an active role in ‘opening’ new and prestigious specialties and was distinguished by her brilliant organizational skills. She made a significant contribution to establishing international relations of the Mari State University, participating in various joint research projects with leading foreign universities. Natalia N. Glukhova is Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
Life in philosophy and philosophy of life: to the anniversary of an Associate Professor Mari State University S. A. Romanova
UDC: 378.057.4:2-335
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Marina S. Mamontova;
The article is devoted to the 70th anniversary of scientist S. A. Romanova, Ph D, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, author of 95 scientific publications. S. A. Romanova has been teaching at the Mari State University for 48 years. The article presents the scientific and pedagogical path of this remarkable man, who stood at the origins of the development of the Department of Philosophy at the Mari State University, an experienced teacher and mentor who brought up a galaxy of talented students. S. A. Romanova graduated in 1976 from the Historical and Philological Faculty of the Mari State Pedagogical Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya, specializing in Russian language and Literature. Since 1976, she began teaching, and in 1991, at the Academy of Social Sciences of the Central Committee of the CPSU, she defended her Ph D thesis on the topic “Dynamics of female religiosity in the areas of Orthodox pagan syncretism”. Throughout her teaching career, S. A. Romanova teaches lecture courses in philosophy, sociology and other humanitarian disciplines. In the mid-2010s, S. A. Romanova was the chairman of the commission of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in Social Studies for several years, and for 10 years she was the chairman of the subject commission for checking assignments with a detailed answer to the exam use in social studies. From 2013 to 2021, S. A. Romanova headed the Department of Philosophy and Sociology. At this time, advanced training courses for teachers of social studies of the Russian Academy of Economics are actively being conducted. In 2001, S. A. Romanova received a Certificate of Honor from the State Committee of the Republic of Moldova for Vocational Education. In 2011, she was awarded the title of “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation”. In 2023, she was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mari El with the wording “for merits in the field of education and many years of conscientious work”.
The House of Soviets is the urban development center of the city of Yoshkar-Ola
UDC: 378.057.4:2-335
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Galina V. Rokina;
The main dominant of the center of Yoshkar-Ola is a cultural monument of federal level ‒ the House of Soviets, where the main building of the Mari State University has been located since 1972. The design and construction of the House of Soviets in the capital of the Mari Republic in 1930‒1938 was associated with the names of the Moscow architect A. Z. Grinberg and the Mari engineer P. S. Shorin. This building preserves the memory of historical events in the Mari Republic for an entire century: the formation of Soviet power, the war of 1941‒1945, post-war reconstruction and the period of “developed socialism”. During the war, the lights in the offices of the House of Soviets were on at night: mobilization was managed, evacuated enterprises and institutions from all over the country were received, and the population was provided with supplies. Famous scientists in the field of defense industry and military personnel were awarded government insignia on the stage of the House of Soviets. The names of famous representatives of all branches of government of the republic are associated with this building: memorial plaques with their names have been installed on residential buildings in the vicinity of the House of Soviets. In the offices of the government house in the early 1970s, the leaders of the republic, the “founding fathers” of the Mari State University (P. A. Almakaev, V. P. Nikonov, T. I. Gorinov) decided the fate of the first classical university in the republic. In the historiography on the history of the construction of the Mari House of Soviets, it is worth noting the works of the candidate of architecture, adviser to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN), corresponding member of the International Academy of Architecture I. A. Kazus; teacher of the Volga State Technological University, a well-known local historian in the republic, specialist in the history of architecture V. A. Popov; employee of the State Archives of the Republic of Mari El E. S. Popova. Unique materials on the history of the construction and architecture of Yoshkar-Ola are contained in an unpublished manuscript of a book by the chief architect of the city A. I. Galitsky. The article, based on the methodology of local history, shows the history of the formation of the main architectural ensemble of Yoshkar-Ola with the central dominant ‒ the House of Soviets, as well as its influence on the public life of the city.
Manifestation of forms of identity among the Finno-Ugric peoples in Bashkortostan (according to an ethnosociological study among the Mari and Udmurts)
UDC: 316.347(470.57) (=511.1)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Fail G. Safin;
Based on the materials of population censuses and ethnosociological studies, the article examines the forms of manifestation of identities among two Finno-Ugric peoples – the Mari and Udmurts in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The data of the population censuses of the republic indicate not only a decrease in their number, but also a decrease in the share of ethnolanguage identity. The results of ethnosociological surveys, generally correlating with population census data, provide an opportunity for a more detailed study of the processes of manifestation of different forms of identity among Mari and Udmurts in the republic, in some cases in a comparative aspect with other ethnic groups. At the same time, the survey data revealed the dynamics of the formation of the linguistic competence of ethnic groups in the republic, which, under the influence of a number of factors, contributed to the loss of the language of their nationality and familiarization with the language with the greatest communicative functions, and this role, due to objective conditions, was performed by the Russian language. Therefore, for the most part, both Mari and Udmurts, as well as representatives of other ethnic groups, recognized that the Russian language is a unifying factor for residents of Russia. At the same time, Mari and Udmurts feel quite comfortable living in the Republic of Bashkortostan, and, as it turned out during the surveys, more than half of the respondents equally consider themselves to be a representative of Bashkortostan and a Russian.
The Byzantine Empire as a Great Power of the Middle Ages: foreign policy aspect
UDC: 94(495)"400/1500"
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Evgeniy V. Suslov;
The article proposed for publication is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the foreign policy of the Byzantine Empire as a great power of the medieval era, that left a scar on the history of world civilization, which it was customary to say about, that it represented the practical embodiment of the Kingdom of God on earth in the person of the empire as the quintessence of Byzantium. The author attempts to determine and assess the impact of the foreign policy pursued by the Byzantine emperors on the duration of its existence for many centuries from the middle of the IV century to the middle of the XV century, as well as on the international relations of his time. As a theoretical and methodological foundation, the author prioritizes the theoretical provisions from the research paper of Thucydides “The History of the Peloponnesian War”, which the idea of a cyclical repetition of international conflicts (wars) was put forward in. The position is also demonstrates that “war was considered as a natural state of international relations, the axis around which politics revolves”. In addition, the theoretical foundation of the proposed article is Thomas Hobbes's idea “about the pre-state condition of mankind as a “war of all against all”, about the emergence of the state from the need of people to establish and ensure peace. In addition to the mentioned provisions, the author gives a thorough description of the concept of “empire” in order to understand the logic of the behavior of the Byzantine Empire surrounded by an aggressive external environment, which was traditional that time. The author's conclusion is that in many of its parameters, the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire can be classified into the category of states called great powers. Such a concept didn't exist at that time, however, by all indications, Byzantium was. The author argues that the spiritual kinship of Byzantium and Russia was ensured by the fact that Russia inherited Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire. The symbol of Russian statehood, the double–headed eagle, is also of Byzantine origin.
On the issue of upcoming transformations of the institution of local self-government
UDC: 342
Section: LAW
Authors: Vasiliy A. Volodin;
The article is devoted to the study of significant transformations of local self-government in modern Russia. The author examines the main legislative changes in the organization of local self-government, highlights certain dates and events preceding the innovations. A special part of the reasoning is aimed at the bill No. 40361-8 “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in a unified system of public authority”, which makes its own adjustments to the understanding of local self-government. To date, the draft law is under development, which makes the interest in its normative content even more attractive. The aim of the work is to form a holistic scientific and theoretical understanding of the stage of formation of local self-government in modern Russia, as well as an analysis of upcoming legislative changes in the field under consideration. As a theoretical basis, the works of prominent researchers in the field of municipal and constitutional law are taken into account, which raise topical issues relevant to this field of study. The methodological basis of the work, to a greater extent, consists of general scientific methods of information processing (analysis, synthesis), as well as special research methods: comparative legal, normative-logical, technical-legal. Their use made it possible to determine the initial period of formation of the institution of local self-government at the transitional stage from the collapse of the USSR to modern Russia, to analyze subsequent transformations, as well as to summarize the main directions of upcoming innovations in the legislation on local self-government.
Defenders of the Fatherland – the new elite of Russia
UDC: 342
Section: LAW
Authors: Denis S. Mikheev; Ekaterina V. Aleksandrova;
The purpose of the article is to analyze the changes that have occurred in Russia since the beginning of the special military operation, in the legal, social and other spheres. A new direction of scientific research has appeared, exploring the issues of transformations of public attitudes towards military actions for the liberation of the territories of Novorossiya; support and assistance by citizens and volunteer associations of our military personnel in the combat zone. It is revealed that the state, since the beginning of its military service, has faced the need for qualitative and quantitative additions to previously existing social protection measures for military personnel. New forms of social support and a fundamental change in the mechanism of their delivery to recipients were required for the participants of the SVO, their family members, and the families of the fallen soldiers. Under this social order, the state fund “Defenders of the Fatherland” was created, which concentrated in a single structure assistance and care for these categories of citizens. Another social institution formed specifically for its participants is analyzed – the educational personnel program “Time of Heroes”, implemented this year by the Presidential Academy. Its goal is to elevate the heroes of its own, promoting the best of them to the leadership of public authorities, prestigious state-owned companies. It is these people who should become the new elite of Russia. The analysis and understanding of the studied material allowed us to form some conclusions on the subject matter.
Countering extremism among minors: legal and social approaches
UDC: 342
Section: LAW
Authors: Yaroslav N. Nikolaev; Tatiana N. Mikheeva;
The spread of extremism in the world is becoming alarming. Minors are often involved in extremist activities, which is becoming one of the problems of modern states. The purpose of the work is to analyse the spread of extremism in adolescence, the study of its causes and methods, as well as mechanisms to counteract this phenomenon. The study used a set of various methods of scientific knowledge ‒ dialectics, jurisprudence and other social sciences. The materials of the study were the developments of domestic scientists dealing with the problem of the spread of extremism among minors. The reasons for the involvement of young citizens, including adolescents, in extremist activities were considered: the deterioration of socio-economic conditions and dysfunction in the family of a minor, the age peculiarities of childhood and adolescence, the lack of fully formed critical thinking, insufficient control over the stay of minors on the Internet. The influence of destructive organisations on the involvement of adolescents in extremist activities is analysed, and a brief description of such subcultures is given. The negative influence of computer games, often promoting violence based on extremist plots, on minors was also revealed. Legal regulators ‒ normative legal acts aimed at countering extremist manifestations ‒ were discussed. The conclusions on consolidation of efforts of public authorities, civil society, including educational organisations, and law enforcement agencies in the field of anti-extremist activities were substantiated.