VESTNIK 2 (38) 2024

VESTNIK 2 (38) 2024
Date publication on the site:
2024-09-03 09:31:36
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Place and role of Russia in the Eurasian identity
UDC: 94(470)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Vladimir G. Egorov;
Based on modern theoretical knowledge, the author discusses the place and role of Russia in the Eurasian identity, referring to the historical past and modern socio-political processes. The article presents historiographical data and political science assessments of the features of Russia's historical path in the process of forming the Eurasian identity. In the modern world, against the background of ongoing global changes, the Eurasian identity as an ideological trend takes shape of real socio-political practices and returns to the active perspective of scientific issues. All this underlines the relevance of the research conducted by the author of the article.The article highlights several periods in the relations between Russia and the West, during which Russia's self-identification took place in public sentiment: the Mongol-Tatar invasion; the foreign policy quest of Ivan IV; the church schism of the XVII century; Peter's Europeanization of the XVIII century; discussions of Westerners and Slavophiles of the XIX century; the struggle for the promotion of Parliamentarism and Sovietization of Russia during the Russian revolution of the beginning of the XX century. In conclusion, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that identity in general and Eurasian, in particular, is the product of a community of a special social quality that arises in the process of historically extended coexistence, accompanied by mutual cultural exchange.
Image of wartime Yoshkar-Ola (1941‒1945) in the collective memory of the employees of the Vavilov State Optical Institute
UDC: 947.085 «1941/1945»
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Svetlana V. Zhuchkova ;
The emergence of new methodological approaches in modern historical science provides a progressive research field in the study of the memory of contemporaries about the events of the Great Patriotic War. During the Great Patriotic War, many world-famous academicians and professors were evacuated to Yoshkar-Ola. In regional historiography, the issue of perception of the city by evacuated scientists has not received adequate coverage. The purpose of the article is to show the image of the wartime Yoshkar-Ola based on an analysis of the memoirs of scientists of the State Optical Institute. The subject of the study is the published reviews of employees of the State Optical Institute (Leningrad) who were evacuated during the Great Patriotic War (1941‒1945) in Yoshkar-Ola. The study was conducted using the concept of the French sociologist M. Halbwachs about collective memory. The article discusses the placement of evacuated equipment and employees of the State Optical Institute in Yoshkar-Ola, the organization of everyday life, relations with the city residents and the distinctive features of a rear provincial city in wartime. The publication of memoirs was associated with anniversaries, associated with the Great Patriotic War or the State Optical Institute. In Yoshkar-Ola, evacuated employees faced overcrowding, lack of electricity and paved sidewalks and roads, poor nutrition, and, as a rule, they had to work in logging, in subsidiary farms, and vegetable gardens. The content of the memoirs showed that despite the everyday difficulties, the team of scientists was focused in equipping the army and navy with optical instruments. The wartime work of the institute’s staff in Yoshkar-Ola contributed to the training of new highly qualified personnel among local residents, to the industrial development of the city, which, like many other cities in our country, became the forge of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
Educational, methodological and scientific activities of Kayum Nasyri in Orthodox theological educational institutions of Kazan in 1855‒1870
UDC: 37:27(470.41-25)"1855/1870"
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Ildus K. Zagidullin;
In the formation of K.Nasyri's personality and the definition of his social guidelines, an important role was played by teaching for 15 years in Orthodox educational institutions of Kazan. Mastery of the Russian language and self-education allowed Nasyri to see and appreciate the achievements of Russian science and Russian culture. During the period of pedagogical work, Nasyri has established himself as a hardworking, disciplined and demanding teacher, earned the respect of the educational authorities and his colleagues. If earlier he treated the Russian language as a means of communication with representatives of the authorities and building a trusting dialogue with the Russian population, now he saw new opportunities for the state language as a means of mastering new scientific and practical knowledge. Teaching the Tatar language to a foreign-language audience, the teacher faced the problem of underdeveloped grammar of the native language. Agreeing with the concept of the great Russian pedagogue K. D. Ushinsky about the social benefit and importance of the native language in the upbringing of children, Nasyri deeply realized the need for literacy in the mother's language, which turned the printed word into a powerful means for transmitting new knowledge for the development of national culture. A clear manifestation of Nasyri's enlightenment concept was the petition submitted in 1862 by the first among the Turkic peoples of Russia, together with the owner of the lithograph M. Yakhin, to publish a weekly newspaper in his native language, which was not supported by the imperial authorities. The assimilation of the classroom system, a thorough study of teaching methods used in the European educational system and domestic educational institutions, played an important role in the further scientific and methodological activities of the educator.
Meeting in Venice. About the ceremonial reception of the French princess in 1502
UDC: 94 (44) “15”
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Yulia P. Krylova;
The wedding of the Hungarian King Vladislav II (II. Ulászló) and the cousin of the French Queen Anne of Brittany, Princess Anne de Foix-Candal took place in 1502 to reinforce the Franco-Hungarian alliance. The young queen was to make the long journey to her husband from the castle of Blois on the Loire to the Hungarian Buda. The description of the negotiations preceding her engagement, the long journey and the wedding festivities were reflected in various sources: official documents, chronicles, relations, private letters. She was given a grand reception in the Republic of Venice, through which she was passing. The description of this meeting was preserved in the testimonies of eyewitnesses and participants of the festive celebrations. Based on two texts composed simultaneously with the events taking place – a relation to the Queen Anne of Brittany from the King of arms “Brittany” named Pierre Choque and a “libellus” from the Venetian patrician Angelo Gabriel to his friend, ambassador Sebastiano Giustiniano – the article examines whether the meeting of Anne de Foix-Candal in Venice was truly unparalleled before, or the authors of the sources pursued their own goals in constructing the description in the way they needed. Both authors described the series of celebrations as an extremely magnificent and luxurious event, which cost a lot of effort and expense on the part of the organizers. The article proposes a hypothesis, supported by an analysis of the texts, according to which the King of arms could exaggerate the splendor of the reception in order to please the royal reader of the relation, and the Venetian author, who gave a welcoming speech to the princess on behalf of the Senate, – in order to attract attention to his role in the ceremonial reception.
The Vietnamese factor in the development of the Soviet health care system in the 1980s.
UDC: 93/94
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Vladislav Yu. Kudryavtsev ;
In the context of the need to ensure technological sovereignty of the domestic health care system, Russia has an opportunity to turn to the experience accumulated in the countries that have a constructive position in the issues of bilateral cooperation. The interaction between the USSR and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam can serve as a vivid example of the realization of such a practice. The purpose of the proposed article is to characterize the contribution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the development of Soviet health care in the 1980s. The source base of the study is the previously unpublished materials of the funds of the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The paper notes that during the period under review, Vietnam had a unique specificity of eye diseases, the methods of traditional Oriental medicine remained widespread in the country, and diseases that were partially or completely eradicated in the USSR were often encountered. Examples of interaction between Vietnamese and Soviet specialists, the results of which had a positive effect on the development of the health care system in the USSR, are analyzed. It was concluded that as a result of cooperation with Vietnam, the Soviet side had an opportunity to borrow the most effective methods used in traditional Oriental medicine, valuable data were obtained on methods of treating injuries and infectious eye diseases in the unique specifics of the SRV, the most promising substances for combating malaria carriers were identified, the degree of effectiveness of certain diagnostic and therapeutic drugs that were available to Soviet medics was clarified, and the qualifications of specialists from the USSR were improved. At the same time, it was indicated that the positive influence of the SRV on the development of the Soviet health care system was limited due to insufficient financial and technological capabilities of Vietnam.
The history of the construction of the House of Soviets building in Yoshkar-Ola
UDC: 728.03(470.343-25)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Ekaterina A. Popova;
The study of the architectural and urban planning heritage of the Soviet period allows us to trace the main stages of the socio-economic development of the region and the country as a whole, and the modernization of the infrastructure. In this study, the author raises the issues of design and construction of the central public building of the Mari ASSR of the late 1930s ‒ 1960s ‒ the House of Soviets. The Yoshkar-Ola House of Soviets was built according to the design of the famous architect Alexander Grinberg, on-site construction work was supervised by engineer Porfiry Shorin. The building was built in 1937 and is an example of the constructivism direction in Soviet architecture, which is characterized by the absence of decorative elements, the functionality, that is, the purpose of the object, was put at the forefront. The artistic expression of the authors was achieved through complex asymmetric structures and extraordinary solutions. The Yoshkar-Ola House of Soviets was built in the shape of an airplane. The article is devoted to the analysis of the activities of state authorities and administration of the Mari Autonomous Region, the Mari ASSR on issues of organizing the design and construction of the building of the House of Soviets in Yoshkar-Ola. The author indicates the main works of researchers devoted to the history of the construction of Houses of Soviets in the USSR, materials of Mari scientists on issues of urban development in Yoshkar-Ola. The basis of this study are documents from the funds of the State Archives of the Republic of Mari El, materials from the periodical press are used as additional sources. This work examines the initial versions of the project of the building of the House of Soviets of the Mari capital, reflects how issues of allocation of funds and building materials were resolved, analyzes the reasons for the transfer of construction to another site and the shift in the start date of work, indicates the period of the final construction stage and the closure of the construction office.
The presidency of D. Trump (2017‒2021): the decline of U.S. public diplomacy?
UDC: 327.8
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Elizaveta A. Shur;
The Donald Trump administration's public diplomacy (2017‒2021) has left a chink in Washington's reputational armor. This is confirmed by numerous opinion polls around the world. The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the features of public diplomacy of the United States in the specified time period, as well as to identify the factors that caused the decline in its influence. As part of the research, the analysis of official (legal acts, government programs, speeches of D. Trump) and expert discourse of the American public diplomacy in the designated period was carried out. The following source base was used to achieve the set goal: documents of American agencies, statistical data provided by independent and governmental units, public opinion polls and foreign media publications. The article concludes that chronic budget deficits and staffing shortages had negative effect on the U.S. public diplomacy system. Ignoring the opinions of leading experts in this field has led to a series of ill-considered and unjustified actions that questioned what had been built with the help of civilian public diplomacy tools for decades ‒ the image of the United States as a global leader and a reliable foreign policy partner. At the same time, Trump's discourse was characterized by inconsistency, bright emotional coloring, and regularly contradicted statements by senior U.S. government officials. Given the general degradation of public diplomacy by civilian agencies (although there were some positive trends), the Pentagon's propaganda machine came to the fore, focusing on countering disinformation that the department believed was coming from Russia and China. After the end of his presidential term, D. Trump left a difficult foreign policy legacy. The numerous challenges in public diplomacy required immediate measures concerning not only the conceptual revision, but also the whole mechanism of its implementation.
Public control in Russia over compliance with labor protection requirements (public legal analysis)
UDC: 342
Section: LAW
Authors: Vitaly V. Goncharov; Elena G. Petrenko;
This article is devoted to the public legal analysis of the organization and functioning of public control measures in the field of compliance with labor protection requirements. The paper notes that currently public control in Russia over compliance with labor protection requirements is carried out mainly by trade union organizations, which belong to the category of other organizational structures of public control. However, the organization and implementation of public control measures for compliance with labor protection requirements are associated with numerous problems, among which one can highlight, in particular: the lack of formalization of this institution of civil society in the Constitution of the country; failure to consolidate control over compliance with labor protection requirements as one of the tasks of public control in Russia; difficulties in implementing public control in the field of compliance with the requirements of labor protection of migrants; the absence in criminal and administrative legislation of measures of increased legal responsibility for countering the legitimate activities of representatives of subjects of public control in the above-mentioned area and the insufficiency of their respective powers; insufficient material and technical base of subjects of public control. The purpose of the scientific research is not only the formalization and analysis of the main problems that hinder the organization and implementation of public control measures for compliance with labor protection requirements, but also the development and justification of a system of measures to resolve these problems.