VESTNIK 3 (23) 2020
- Title:
- VESTNIK 3 (23) 2020
- Number:
- 3
- Year:
- 2020
- Date publication on the site:
- 2020-11-09 14:57:55
- Full journal in PDF:
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UDC: 94(4)"20"
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Igor V. Kryuchkov;
Abstract.Russian-Slovak relations reached a new level of development in 1990–2000-ies. Their condition was greatly affected by historic memory and formation of perceptions of the modern partner states development. This article is aimed at studying the construction of the image of Russia on pages of one of the leading liberal newspapers of Slovakia “SME”. The period from 2005 to July 2010, associated with serious transformations in the domestic and foreign policy of Russia and Slovakia, as well as in bilateral relations between the countries, acts as chronological framework. The article marks that the analysis of the historical past, especially the events of the World WarII, is at the core of the editorial policy of the newspaper. The newspaper is suspicious of the revision of established approaches in evaluating the war. However, this doesn't prevent it from criticizing Stalinism and the policy of the USSR in Eastern Europe in the second half of XX century. The article shows that the image of modern Russia has gradually acquired a multifaceted and complex character on the pages of the newspaper during the first decade of XXI century. The periodical evaluates foreign policy of Moscow in a measured manner during this period despite some criticism. At the same time, Russia’s domestic policy has been severely criticized for the lack, in the opinion of the editorial board and the authors of the publications, of consistent liberal reforms and serious changes in its economy. The author comes to the conclusion that the image of Russia in the editorial policy of the newspaper “SME”has been transformed as part of the Central European liberal discourse. The evaluations of Russia and its historic past become more pragmatic and focused on the contemporary political agenda.
UDC: 327.5
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Angela E. Masti; Andrey V. Lyamzin;
Abstract. Introduction.US-Israeli relations have been one of the key factors defining Middle East regional pol-icy for a few decades. The relations between the USA and Israel to a large extent depend on personality of the American President and his party line. The article addresses political actions of the 45thUS Republican President Donald Trump towards Israel, their impact on US-Israeli relations, Middle East regional situation and public moods in the two countries. Purpose of the study is to carry out an analysis of foreign policy activity of Donald Trump towards Israel, its results and tendencies of evolution of US-Israeli relations in 2016–2020. Materials and methods.As a part of the study, the authors examined news resources, analytical articles of Russian and foreign authors, statistical data and official websites of state and international organizations. The key methods of the study are analytical and comparative. Results, discussion. Basing on the results of the research, it can be con-cluded that Donald Trump’s Middle East policy has a pro-Israeli bias, what results in strengthening of the rela-tions between the USA and Israel and increase of the American President’s approval rate in Israeli society. On the other hand, some actions of the US President contradict international law and UN resolutions, what negativelyaffects President Trump’s image both on the international arena and in American society, destabilizes Middle East regional situation and does not promote achievement of positive results in frames of Arab-Israeliconflict.
UDC: 303.446.4(470)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Larisa P. Nelina;
Abstract. Introduction. This review is focused on the problem of conventionality of the concepts of memory studies in Russian historiography. Reflecting the global “memorial boom” in the social sciences and humanities, on the one hand, and the result of the existing social demand, on the other, the research of memory problems in Russia today is an established interdisciplinary area. At the same time, the controversial nature of key definitions and categories of analysis is one of the main characteristics of this area.The purposeof the publication is to re-view the approaches existing in Russian “historiography of memory” to defining the key concepts of memory studies: “collective memory”, “supra-individual memory”, “historical memory”, “historical consciousness”, “politics of memory”, “politics of history”. Materials andmethods. In the study, the positions of leading Russian specialists in the field of memory studies, engaged in the development of theoretical and methodological issues, were analyzed and structured according to the problem principle. Results, discussion.The study exam-ines the specific features of memorial research in Russia reflected in the literature. The analysis of the discussion around the key concepts of memory studies is carried out through the prism of competition between two ap-proaches to conceptualizing the phenomenon of collective memory, correlated with the individualistic and holistic methodological traditions of European philosophy. The analysis of the theoretical substantiation of the concepts “politics of memory”, “politics of history”, “symbolic politics” is carried out. Conclusion.The author comes to the conclusion that despite the “catching up” nature of domestic memory studies, at the present stage, individual Russian scientists make their own contribution, both to the development of questions of a general methodological plan and to particular theories. However, on the achievement of a convention on the issue of categories of analysis in this area there is no need to speak at the present stage.
UDC: 94
Section: HISTORY
Authors: YuliaS. Obidina;
Abstract.The article examines the evolution of the mythological figure of Medea in the classical era. The rele-vance of the article is related to the consideration of Medea’s image as an independent mythological unit without connection with the goddess Hecate, which is assumed in the Greek and Roman traditions. The hypothesisof the research is that the tragedy of Euripides “Medea” became the starting point of the merger of two female charac-ters into a single mythological image. The purposeof the article is to recreate the image of the Colchian princess to actualize the ways by which Euripides changed or, conversely, preserved the tradition of perception of Medea in ancient society. This allowed the author to show the ambivalence of ideas about the role and place of women in the Athenian society of the classical era. To achieve this goal, an interdisciplinary approach was used, as well as the theory of liminality and the theory of gender analysis. Historical-genetic, comparative and linguistic meth-ods were used as the main research methods. The main sources for the reconstruction of the images of Medea and Hecate were the works of the ancient Greek authors of the archaic and classical era –Hesiod, Pindar, Sophocles and Euripides. The study shows how liminal spaces moved from the natural-mythological sphere to the socio-cultural sphere, and how this was related to the distribution of social roles in the ancient city. Being a minor mythological character in the archaic era, Medea, after Euripides’s tragedy of the same name, occupies the bor-derline space between nature and culture, creating a new gender. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the actualization of two female images of ancient Greek mythology, which were previously given insufficient at-tention, and practical –in the opportunity to take a fresh look at social roles in the ancient polis of the classical period. The research resultsindicate that it was after the Euripides’s staging that Medea and Hecate formed a literary union, redistributing their functions according to the socio-cultural realities of the ancient Greek polis.
UDC: 325.81, 930.85, 94, 81-26
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Evgeny Yu. Chemyakin;
Abstract.The article is devoted to the main linguistic strategies in postcolonial theory and the problem of pre-serving and transmitting the cultural memory of peoples living in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the West Indies. The discussion of the 1960–1980s about the future of English in the former colonies, as well as the speeches and publications of contemporary postcolonial researchers devoted to the issues of language are considered. The works of such authors as Ngugi wa Thiongo, Chinua Achebe, Salman Rushdie, Raja Rao, Bill Ashcroft, Rey Chow, Arundhati Roy and a number of others are analyzed. There are three main language strategies related to the issue of preserving and developing the historicalexperience of decolonized peoples. The first is a return to indigenous languages and dialects and a categorical rejection of using English. This position is supported by arguments about the strong connection between cultural memory and the national language and about the impossibility of transferring local experience by means of a foreign language. The second strategy is expressed in the idea of transforming English into local forms and variations, its adaptation to national specifics. It is perceived primarily as a tool for communication, access to knowledge and access to an international audience. The thirdstrategy is based on the idea of xenophony, that is, equivalence and equality of many voices sounding at the same time. Common to all strategies isthe aspiration for language decolonization and deprivation of the dominant status of English, since it is the language that is the way of transmitting cultural memory, and thus the formation of modern postcolonial reality.
UDC: 342
Section: LAW
Authors: Tatiana N. Mikheeva;
Abstract.Introduction. For the Russian Federation, the beginning of 2020 was marked by two events –the Ad-dress of the President to the Federal Assembly and the subsequent proposals to amend the State Constitution. The Russian Constitution has not known such amendments since its adoption in 1993. They touched upon the most important spheres of foreign and domestic policy and the social well-being of citizens. The purposeof the study is the legal analysis and evaluation of the amendments to the Constitution of Russia, examined through the prism of their subsequent influence on the legal regulation of public relations and law enforcement practice in the life-defining spheres of the state, Russian society and each of its citizens. Research methodscover general and special methods of cognition. The work is based on classical general scientific methods, which contributed through analysis, synthesis and analogy to the goal achievement. Special legal methods were also applied. Assessment of the content of the proposed changes to the Constitution of Russia was carried out on the basis of formal legal and systematic structural methods. The comparative legal method turned out to be in demand, which made it possible to show the novelty of the proposed constitutional norms in comparison with the current provi-sions. Results, discussion.Subjected to legal analysis, comprehension and evaluation of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation showed their urgency and relevance at the present stage of development of Russia. They seriously affected the vector of its international relations, the priority of constitutional provisions over international norms. A block of amendments aimed at strengthening the social well-being of citizens –guarantees and an increase in pensions, benefits, social benefits –stands out from internal issues of the country's development. It seems important to improve the organization and functioning of state authorities and local self-government. The establishment of serious restrictions for high-ranking officials is perceived positively, which will help to build confidence in the authorities. Conclusion. The author comes to the general conclusion that the amendments to the Constitution of Russia in their significance are constitutional and legal reforms that can give a new impetus to the state development.
UDC: 342.92
Section: LAW
Authors: Stanislav V. Pushkarev;
Abstract.Introduction.The article is devoted to the analysis of the civil liability insurance contract of the gov-erning bodies of legal entities (corporations) as a type of financial risk insurance contract. Purpose.In this work, the author considers the features of reflection of individual elements of the contractual model of this type of in-surance in practice. Materials and methods.An analysis of the available work on the problems of liability insur-ance of corporate governance bodies indicates that at the moment there is no clear understanding of what type of insurance it refers to. Many researchers are inclined to its complex nature, but the recognition of such insurance as financial risk insurance seems to be the most balanced. There are serious gaps in the legislative regulation: even the amendments to the corporate legislation that are currently being prepared do not solve the existing prob-lems because of their fragmentation. Results, discussion.The authorcomes to the conclusion that due to the fact that this type of insurance is not widespread in Russian practice, and the number of contracts under it amounts to no more than one and a half thousand, there is a lack of understanding of its nature on the part of beneficiaries, which, ultimately, can provoke a significant number of litigation, which will lead to unreasonable losses for in-surers. Conclusion.Based on the study, it is concluded that currently, the professional community is awaiting the adoption of decisions on two defining judicial disputes that should form judicial practice.
UDC: 343.1
Section: LAW
Authors: Svetlana A. Yakovleva ; Dariya V. Sharova ;
Abstract. Achievements of scientific and technical progress dictate the legislation consolidation in the criminal procedure law of the concept “electronic information media”, its seizure and, if necessary, copying the infor-mation contained on it. The Criminal Procedure Law was supplemented by Article 164.1 of the Criminal Proce-dure Code of the Russian Federation. Its compiler created a prescription norm, by virtue of which the investiga-tor or other official is obliged to prevent the unjustified withdrawal of electronic media from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, except for the cases provided for by the article under consideration. Study of the con-tent of Article 164.1 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation identifies “benefits”for the above-mentioned persons for the crimes specified in Part 4.1 of Article 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, in the form of exceptional cases, when the seizure of electronic media is not allowed. The legal provisions in question violate the constitutional right of equality before the law and the court, proclaimedby the Russian state in Article 19 of the Constitution of Russia. According to the authors, only one exceptional case, when the subsequent copying of the information contained in it after the seizure of an electronic media will lead to the loss or its change, can determine the restrictions on the seizure of an electronic media ofinformation. Criminal Procedure Law does not attach the inspection of an electronic information media as a type of inspection. Such an investigative action will make it possible to obtain information establishing the circumstances to be proved and relevant to the criminal case, in connection with which it should be enshrined in Article 176 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. An important factor in the transformation of information contained in an electronic media and the media itself is the mandatory participation of a specialist.
Section: REVIEWS
Authors: Boris V. Kolesnikov ;
В настоящей рецензии рассматривается моно-графия М.Кшиняна «Человек, который говорил со звездами. Милан Растислав Штефаник, фран-ко-словацкий герой Великой войны», вышедшая в Париже в 2019 году. Ее автор –словацкий исто-рик Михал Кшинян, старший научный сотруд-ник департаментаНовой истории Словацкой академии наук. Д-р М. Кшинян –один из веду-щих современных словацких историков. Основ-ным предметом его научных исследований явля-ется жизнь и деятельность М.Р. Штефаника. Кроме того, в сферу его научных интересов вхо-дят такие понятия,как национальная идентич-ность, историческая память, а также француз-ская и словацкая историография. М.Кшинян –автор многочисленных публикаций, из которых не менее 20 посвящены М.Р.Штефанику1. Часть из них вышла в переводе на несколько языков.
Authors: Рокина Г.В.;
феврале–июне 2020 года врамках реализации проекта по Программе JeanMonnet «Фактор исторической памяти в образовании и развитии Европейского Союза»проходил конкурс фотогра-фий «Моя Европа». Проект, разработанный в учебно-исследовательской лаборатории этногендерных исследований историко-филологического факультета Марийского госуниверситета,получил грант на реализацию учебного модуля в рамках европейской программы «Эразмус+»