VESTNIK 2(14) 2018

VESTNIK 2(14) 2018
Date publication on the site:
2018-09-04 10:19:54
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UDC: 94(470):631.5
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Ruslan A. Bushkov;
September 23, 2018 marks the 130th anniversary of V. P. Mosolov, a prominent Russian scientist in the field of plant growing and agriculture, the organizer of the national agricultural science, the first academician of the Mari. Entering into a great science and the scientific activity of V. P. Mosolov turned out to be connected with the name of N. I. Vavilov, the brilliant scientist-biologist, the founder of modern studies of the biological foundations of breeding and teaching about the centers of origin of cultivated plants, the first president of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V. I. Lenin (AUAASNL). This is the world's largest scientific organization on agriculture, forestry, water management and food industry AUAASNL was established by the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on June 25, 1929. Thanks to the irrepressible energy and initiative of N. I. Vavilov as the president of AUAASNL, large scientific research institutes, a network of agricultural experimental stations and supporting points were established throughout the country in the shortest time. The Kazan Agricultural Experimental Station, organized in 1920, began to develop again, with which, on the basis of the connection between science and practice, built his relations the head of the Department of General Agriculture of the Kazan Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Professor V. P. Mosolov. With his active participation, a large research work on agricultural technology and cultivation of a number of crops was developed here, which led the University scientist to recognition in the scientific community: the approval as the doctor of agricultural Sciences, the election in 1935 as a full member, academician, and four years later – the appointment as Vice-President of AUAASNL. The article is devoted to the scientific and public activities of Academician of AUAASNL V. P. Mosolov, special attention is paid to his scientific cooperation and relationships with N. I. Vavilov, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, initiator and organizer of AUAASNL.
UDC: 7.036.1
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Elvira M. Kolcheva;
The article shows how the changes of ethno and sociocultural paradigm of life of the Mari people in the 1920s–1930s is represented through the theme of childhood in the Mari fine arts of the early Soviet period. The works of ethnographic realism of the 1920s, depict in detail the world of Mari traditional culture in its everyday life, children are shown as a natural part of this world. They are attached to household works from 6–8 years of age, acquire gender identity. The importance of women's activities related to flax processing and embroidery is emphasized. It is noteworthy that in the studied works of art not only ethnographic details are given, but characters and psychological situations are created that allow you to feel the world of the child as it is, regardless of the external cultural circumstances. In the works of socialist realism in the 1930s, the theme of childhood is presented more formally, in close connection with the ideological objectives of the Soviet construction. Children are usually shown as members of pioneer organizations, emphasizing the importance of the cultural revolution, combating illiteracy and gender inequality. In painting and drawing, children now are thinking like the future of the new society, its builders. Considered in this article the works of fine art from the collectiom of the National Museum of the Republic of Mari El named after Timofey Evseevich Evseev belong to the brush of the first artists of the Mari Region: Elizaveta Dmitrievna Atlashkina (1879–1965), Pavel Timofeevich Gorbuntsov (1894–1971), and Kazan artists Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov (1887–1967), Vasily Kirillovich Timofeev (1891–1968).
UDC: 930.2+785
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Anna S. Labazova;
This article is devoted to the presentation of new materials related to the life of Marfa Stepanovna Sabinina (1831–1892) – a significant figure in the history of Russia. Marfa Stepanovna possessed many talents, and devoted most of her life to the benefit of the empire: from courteous service as a music teacher of the children of Emperor Alexander II to the organization of the Russian Red Cross Society and active work at the front. The main source of Sabinina's biography is the “Notes” by her, created in the late 80-ies of the XIX century in the Crimea and published in several issues of the journal “Russian archive”. In 2017 at the St. Petersburg library named after V. V. Mayakovsky in a rare fund of notes and books two editions from the Sabinins’family archive, which was considered to be lost, were found. The first collection contains piano and chamber works by Clara Schumann; the second-four notebooks of vocal compositions by Marfa Stepanovna. On the title pages are the marginals of the owners: Clara Schumann, Marfa Sabinina and Sergei Bugoslavsky. Remarks, indicating the belonging of notes to Marfa Stepanovna, are the inscription and the seal “M. Sabinin”. The dates, located on the title pages of the editions, are correlated with the events of Sabinina's life, and on this basis the discovered collections appeared to be direct “participants”, which allow you to complete the episodes of “Notes”. The article determines the significance of the found publications for researchers – both from the point of view of musicology, and as part of studying the activities and works of Marfa Stepanovna Sabinina.
UDC: 323(44)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Margarita L. Lebedeva;
The purpose of the article is theoretical understanding of the concept of “region” through the transformation of its content, taking place in the process of historical and political evolution. The theory is a reliable knowledge that allows us to generalize, systematize, reflect the essential content of the object of cognition, expressing it in a conceptual-logical form. The object of research is the territory of state entities, called the “region”. The issues of the status of subnational units (regions), the scope of competences of such territorial entities, continue to be relevant and in demand for the challenges of political change. Analysis of Russian and foreign sources allows the author to draw a conclusion about the ambivalence of understanding this concept, and about the complexity of a clear understanding of its content. The systemstructural method, which regards political relations as an integral system of interrelations between the phenomena and events of the political process, makes it possible to determine the basic essential content of this object of investigation. Domestic political science expands the significance of the spatial aspect of the concept of “region”. The region acts as an object (level) of political analysis. This is an important focus of political identification. On the basis of historical, cultural, sociological, state-legal and economic-geographical approaches, the author comes to the conclusion: being a subsystem of the state structure, the region is a spatially and historically organized community, the side of the vertical of power that is a part of the state, allocated according to certain criteria. The author pays special attention to the criteria for singling out the main characteristics of the term. In addition, an attempt has been made to systematize the research available to date on the topic of consideration. A comprehensive study of the discussions on a number of definitions of the political lexicon allowed the author to fill the concept of “region” with a new essential content.
UDC: 94
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Yuliya S. Obidina;
The article considers mythological thinking as the starting point for the development of the cognitive potential of European civilization. The empirical basis of the study is the ancient Greek mythological consciousness, which is characterized by ambivalence and equal attention to both rational and irrational aspects of cognition, since the ancient Greek culture recognized both dimensions of consciousness and appreciated the balance between passion and reason. It is noted that the mythological consciousness is conceptualized in the form of narrative, which allows to include in cognitive practices not only perceptions about the past and the present, but also about the future. It is proved that myth and narration are a way to understand the world and are an early stage of our cognitive evolution. In addition to the fact that the myths gave the goal to the ancient mankind, they gave mankind its first verbally formulated awareness of the future. It is shown that myths formed not only the basis of traditional religions, but also laid the foundations for a mechanistic, rational understanding of reality in Western cognitive practices. It is concluded that the emergence of abstract Greek philosophy clearly represents a new way of thinking and a way of consciousness that appeared in Western civilization.
UDC: 37(09)(470.342)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Vladimir B. Pomelov;
The article deals with publishing, educational and methodical activities of an outstanding publisher, educator and teacher-methodologist of the XIX century F. F. Pavlenkov. The introduction of the article suggests that in recent decades the method of example has largely lost its significance in the light of the well-known socio-political events of the 1990-ies. Meanwhile, each region has its own wonderful country-men. The author believes that education on the example of the life of prominent countrymen may well become an important educational tool for the younger generation. The relevance of the article is due to the fact that currently the interest of young people to their country's historical past is growing. The article used the regional, axiological, historicalbiographical methodological approaches and the following research methods: descriptive, historical, comparative and retrospective analysis. The informative content of the article reveals the publishing, educational and methodical activities of an outstanding publisher, educator and teacher-methodist of the XIX century F. F. Pavlenkov. The main directions of his activities and business relations with progressive thinkers of Russia are characterized. The article is focused on the period of his exile in the provincial city of Vyatka and in the county town of the Vyatka province Jaransk. The role of F. F. Pavlenkov in the publication of a series of collections under the title “Vyatskaya Nezabudka” (“Vyatka Forget-me-not”) and the release of a number of other useful books is outlined. F. F. Pavlenkov was a founder of the book series “The life of remarkable people”. The main methodological works of F. F. Pavlenkov, his contribution to the development of library network in the Russian countryside are characterized. In conclusion it is shown how his ideas are evolving nowadays through the opening of new libraries and the creation of the “Commonwealth of Pavlenkov libraries” (on the example of the Kirov region).
UDC: 930.1:970
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Andrej. Tajgil'din;
Slavery in the United States is one of the most debatable issues in domestic American studies. It had a huge impact on all aspects of life in the United States and was one of the causes of the Civil war in 1861–1865. Echoes of this problem are still heard. In the American studies in Russia, there are a huge number of publications devoted to this issue. The problem of slavery attracted attention even before the revolution; the servile state of the black population of the United States was compared with the serfdom in Russia. In the Soviet years, the problem of slavery was viewed through the prism of Marxist-Leninist positions: the struggle for liberation was seen as a class struggle and the Civil War in America considered as a revolution: with the North as a revolutionary force and the South as a counter – revolutionary force. Modern Russian historiography began to pay more attention to the economic, political and social structure of the South; the mentality, life, daily life of slaves and free blacks are studied. The problem of slavery is no longer seen as the sole cause of the Civil war. However, if the economic benefits of plantation slavery for the South are studied and don’t cause any doubt among the most historians, the question of the extent of its influence on political changes in the United States remains open. There is no generalizing work on the problem of slavery as a cause of the Civil war in Russian historiography. The article focuses on the Soviet and modern Russian historiography. An attempt is made to trace the evolution of Russian historians’ views on the role of slavery in the United States, the extent of its influence on the Civil War, and the confrontation between the North and the South. Historiography in the article is given in chronological order.
UDC: 340.1
Section: LAW
Authors: Kseniya A. Lastochkina;
The article examines the possibilities of public organizations (on the example of trade unions) in the field of their participation in the process of creating the rules of law. The participation of public organizations in the process of creating laws and regulations is aimed at effective representation and protection of the rights and interests of citizens, including through harmonization and unification of legislation. For the Republic of Belarus at the present stage, one of the relevant areas of improvement of the regulatory framework is the harmonization and unification of the legislation of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. For modern man a special significance has a sphere of work, allowing him not only to support himself financially, but also to develop and realize as a person. With this in mind, the author examines the participation of such social organizations as trade unions, in the process of creating laws and subordinate regulations, regulating labor and related socioeconomic rights and the legitimate human interests for the purposes of harmonisation and unification of labor legislation of the member countries of the EEU. The article provides a comparative analysis of the rights of trade unions of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation to participate in the creation of two types of sources of law (in the formal sense): normative treaties and regulations in the field of labor and related socio-economic rights and legitimate human interests. The author specifies the perspective directions of improving the participation of trade unions in the creation of such types of sources of law as normative treaties and regulations. It is proved that the improvement of the participation of trade unions in the creation of sources of law is one of the factors of harmonization of social and labor legislation of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation, which is especially necessary at the present stage in terms of integration for the most effective protection of labor and related socio-economic rights and legitimate human interests.
UDC: 351.853.2
Section: LAW
Authors: Anna G. Suhova;
The article deals with the regulatory issues and the main problems in the field of preservation of sacred groves located on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. Sacred groves are unique objects of cultural heritage associated with the cult of the pagan deities of the Mari. Nowadays, ceremonies are held on the territory of the Republic of Mari El in order to ensure the well-being of the people. The state of the sacred groves from year to year is adversely affected by many anthropogenic and environmental factors. State policy, in particular the legislation in force, provides the regulatory mechanisms necessary for the adoption of measures for the preservation of cultural heritage, including sacred groves. The aim of the work is to consider the state policy in the sphere of protection of cultural heritage objects on the example of the monuments of the traditional Mari religion “küsoto” – sacred groves preserved on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. On the basis of published materials and archival sources, the activities of federal and regional authorities and the main problems in the sphere of conservation of sacred groves were analyzed. State policy was analyzed in the field of preservation of cultural heritage objects, in particular of sacred groves, regulatory acts regulating this sphere on the territory of the Republic of Mari El were also analyzed. The study revealed that not all sacred groves located on the territory of the Republic of Mari El resolved the issue of status, not all groves are objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation. There were also identified gaps in the current legislation in the field of preservation of sacred groves at the municipal level.
UDC: 34.09
Section: LAW
Authors: Ol'ga L. Shabalina; Gleb Yu. Shabalin;
Introduction. The article covers the period from the first half of the XIX century to the revolution of 1917, during which the legal relations in the field of education were repeatedly reformed. Since the innovations had a direct relationship with historical events, the article traced the change in the nature of the reforms. The purpose of the study is to form a comprehensive scientific understanding of the process of changing the legal regulation of educational relations in the Russian law in the period from the first half of the XIX century to the revolution of 1917. Materials and methods. The study is based on the consideration of normative legal acts and their codification in the Russian pre-revolutionary law and on the analysis of the existing philosophical and legal views of contemporaries of the considered epoch. Methods of the study are general and specific scientific, including formal and logical methods (hypothesis, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction). Historical, legal-technical, systemic and other special methods of scientific cognition are also used in the study. Results. The article outlines the stages of the conservative education reform of 1828–1835 from the creation of a special departmental body for regulatory support to the adoption of the University Charter of 1835. The subject of regulation of normative legal acts adopted in the sphere of education is considered. Tightening of control and supervision over the activity of educational organizations was revealed, within the framework of which new posts were created. The governing bodies of higher educational institutions and the structure of universities were studied, their competence was outlined. The changing delineation of powers between management bodies and control institutions is described, as well as changes in the content of education. Attention is paid to the unification of legal regulation in the field of educational legal relations. It points to the liberalization of the rule of law in educational legal relations in the 60s of the XIX century and reverse changes at the end of the century. Conclusion. The study noted the instability of the class nature of education, gender component and accessibility to the realization of the right to education. The applied methods of legal technique are analyzed. Among the applied methods of legal techniques, the introduction of previously uncharacteristic dispositive legal norms into the legal regulation of education is revealed.
UDC: 34.09
Section: LAW
Authors: Gleb Yu. Shabalin; Ol'ga L. Shabalina;
Introduction. The article deals with the problem of classifying organizations that carry out upbringing and training, not related to education de-jure. The purpose of the study is to form a comprehensive scientific understanding of the practice of applying the norms governing the activities of educational organizations and the emergence of the status of a pedagogical worker. Materials and methods. The research is based on the study of the educational and labor legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as subordinate regulatory legal acts regulating the status of educational organizations and pedagogical workers. Central to the article is the analysis of the positions of the highest courts. Methods of the study are general and specific scientific, including formal and logical methods (hypothesis, analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction). Legal-technical, systemic and other special methods of scientific cognition are also used in the study. Results. The assessment of the emergence of the status of a pedagogical worker depending on the place of the employer organization in the system of educational organizations is given. The authors analyze relevant jurisprudence. Conclusion. The lack of a license to conduct educational activities is not a violation, but it prevents the pedagogical workers of such organization from receiving labor benefits. The existence of a license to conduct educational activities is a qualifying sign when assigning a legal entity to educational organizations.
UDC: 343.1
Section: LAW
Authors: Svetlana A. Yakovleva; Elena V. Medvedkova;
The criminal procedure law establishes the application of compulsory measures of medical character in relation to a person who commits a socially dangerous act, prohibited by criminal law, in a state of insanity, or in relation to a person who after the commission of a crime has suffered a mental disorder, that makes it impossible to impose punishment or execute it (Article 433 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (CCP of the RF). The emergence of the procedural status of the named person is connected with the transition of the general criminal proceedings against the person suspect, accused, defendant in the commission of the crime, to its special orders. The authors believe that the title of Chapter 51 of the CCP of the RF “Proceedings for the application of compulsory measures of medical character” does not correspond to the content of its norms. This chapter establishes the procedure for criminal proceedings, not only in relation of persons referred to in Parts 1 and 2 of Art. 433 of CCP of the RF, whose mental disorder is associated with a danger to them or other persons or the possibility of causing them significant harm, which makes it possible to apply compulsory measures of medical character to them. Chapter 51 of the CCP mentions a person who commits a socially dangerous act prohibited by criminal law in a state of insanity, but criminal proceedings in this case must be terminated without application of compulsory medical measures. A person who commits a socially dangerous act prohibited by criminal law in a state of insanity, having separate rights of the suspect, accused, defendant, has a special procedural status, he can not be considered a subject of a crime, the presence of a sign of his insanity excludes the crime and leads to release from criminal liability. The authors believe that compulsory measures of medical character should be appointed and applied to any person who commits a socially dangerous act prohibited by criminal law in a state of insanity to implement the goals, established by the art. 98 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The authors propose to supplement Chapter 7 of the CCP of the RF with Article 47. 2 with the name “The procedural status of the person who is the subject of proceedings for the application of compulsory measures of medical character”.