VESTNIK 3 (31) 2022

VESTNIK 3 (31) 2022
Date publication on the site:
2022-11-11 11:56:00
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Section: HISTORY
Authors: Галина Викторовна Рокина;
Галина Викторовна Рокина, главный редактор, доктор исторических наук, профессор, Марийский государственный университет, выпускница историко-филологического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1977 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Светлана Асановна Мухина;
Светлана Асановна Мухина, кандидат биологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры физической культуры и безопасности жизнедеятельности, Марийский государственный университет, выпускница биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1974 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Ольга Леонидовна Воскресенская;
Ольга Леонидовна Воскресенская, доктор биологических наук, профессор, директор института естественных наук и фармации, Марийский государственный университет, выпускница биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1976 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Ольга Александровна Макарова;
Ольга Александровна Макарова, кандидат биологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры педагогики начального и общего образования, Марийский государственный университет, выпускница биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1976 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Владимир Александрович Забиякин;
Владимир Александрович Забиякин, доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, заведующий кафедрой биологии, Марийский государственный университет, ведущий научный сотрудник, заведующий лабораторией по селекции цесарок, Марийский научно-исследовательский институт сельского хозяйства – филиал Федерального аграрного научного центра Северо-Востока имени Н. В. Рудницкого, выпускник биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1983 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Елена Валентиновна Кондратенко;
Елена Валентиновна Кондратенко, кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, директор педагогического института, Марийский государственный университет, выпускница биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1988 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Павел Альбертович Романов;
Павел Альбертович Романов, кандидат философских наук, доцент, доцент кафедры философии и социально-культурных технологий, Марийский государственный университет, выпускник биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1975 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Сергей Иванович Новоселов;
Сергей Иванович Новоселов, доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор, профессор кафедры общего земледелия, растениеводства, агрохимии и защиты растений, Марийский государственный университет, выпускник биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1977 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Ольга Федоровна Лежнина;
Ольга Федоровна Лежнина, полковник полиции в отставке, выпускница биолого-химического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1977 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Татьяна Ивановна Станкевич (Сидоркина);
Татьяна Ивановна Станкевич (Сидоркина), ветеран университета, выпускница историко-филологического факультета (заочное отделение) Марийского государственного университета 1979 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Лидия Анатольевна Садовина (Канатеева);
Лидия Анатольевна Садовина (Канатеева), председатель объединенного профсоюзного комитета сотрудников и студентов Марийского государственного университета (1994‒2017), выпускница историко-филологического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1977 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Светлана (Лана) Кевхишвили;
Светлана (Лана) Кевхишвили, руководитель администрации президента Кавказского университета, Тбилиси, Грузия, выпускница историко-филологического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1983 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Екатерина Павловна Синдеева;
Екатерина Павловна Синдеева, кандидат педагогических наук, начальник отдела сопровождения мониторингов в образовании ГБУ Республики Марий Эл «Центр информационных технологий и оценки качества образования», выпускница историко-филологического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1992 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Галина Николаевна Мотова;
Галина Николаевна Мотова, доктор педагогических наук, заместитель директора Национального центра профессионально-общественной аккредитации, выпускница историко-филологического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1992 года
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Елена Геннадьевна Любутова;
Елена Геннадьевна Любутова, методист, преподаватель структурного подразделения «Компьютерная школа «Инфосфера» лицея «Инфотех», выпускница физико-математического факультета Марийского государственного университета 1988 года
Zoya Zorina – researcher of pronouncing norms of the Hill Mari language, tutor, mother and creator
UDC: 378-057.811.511.151
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Nadezhda M. Krasnova; Oksana V. Wikstrom;
The purpose of the article is to present scientific and pedagogical activity of Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Mari State University Zoya G. Zorina (01.11.1946 ‒ 30.10.2022) and to describe her life and achievements in the development of Mari linguistics. Zoya G. Zorina was one of the outstanding scientists of the Republic of Mari El, a Finno-Ugric scholar and a public figure. She worked at the Mari State University for almost 50 years and made an invaluable contribution to the development of the university. Zoya G. Zorina is the author of more than 100 scientific papers devoted to phonetics, general linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages. It is worth mentioning the contribution of Zoya G. Zorina to the development of the Hill Mari language and cul-ture, the study of the pronunciation norms and the sound structure of her native language. Until 2013, Z. G. Zorina was the dean of the Faculty of International Relations, moreover, she was the initiator of founding it. It should be mentioned that Z. G. Zorina opened a laboratory of applied and experimental linguistics at the uni-versity, supervised the creation of an electronic phonetic fund of Finno-Ugric languages, she was the author of the first textbooks in English, German, French for students of na-tional schools of the Republic of Mari El. Zoya Zorina opened new and prestigious specialties, she had excel-lent organizational skills, contributed to the establishment of international relations of the Mari State Universi-ty. Z. G. Zorina was an Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, an Honored Worker of Higher Education in Russia, an Honored Scientist of the Republic of Mari El.
They were at the origins of the creation of the Department of Philology
UDC: 378.4(470.343):81-11
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Valery N. Maksimov; Elena G. Lastochkina;
This article examines the activities of the first scientists who stood at the origins of the creation of the Department of Philology of the Mari State University. The Department of Philology of the Mari State University was opened in 1972 and was designed to provide training of highly qualified specialists in Mari philology and to organize scientific research in the field of Mari linguistics, literary studies and folklore studies. In the late 50s and early 60s of the last century, a new direction began to form in the development of Mari linguistics, which abruptly turned the science of the Mari language to face classical Finno-Ugric studies. It was founded by young linguists who received a philological education in graduate schools of leading universities of the Soviet Union – in Moscow, Leningrad, Tartu: Doctor of Philology, Professor I. S. Galkin, Candidate of Philology, Professor Z. V. Uchaev, Doctor of Philology, Professor I. G. Ivanov, Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu. V. Anduganov. It was they who formed the Department of Mari Philology, made a significant contribution to the study of the problems of the development of the Mari literary language and devoted their lives to the Mari State University.
Activities of clubs and circles at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Mari State University
UDC: 378(470.343)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Aleksey G. Oshaev;
The author analyzes the activities of clubs and circles at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Mari State University. The article defines the role and importance of student associations in the formation of professional competencies of future specialists. The purpose of the article is to study the activities of student clubs and circles at the Faculty of History and Philology (at the present stage), to determine their role in the formation of the principles of patriotism and preservation of historical memory among young people, attitudes to traditional moral and ethical values of society. The research is based on the use of published materials and documents that allow us to recreate a holistic picture of the activities of clubs and circles at the faculty. The article is written on the basis of the principles of historicism and objectivity using methods of analysis, comparison, description. The activity of clubs and circles at the faculty involves the discussion of topical issues related to human life and society. The events are an informal discussion platform with the right of everyone to hear each other and to make a reasoned statement on a particular issue. In the course of the work, such important tasks as educational, pedagogical and aesthetic are solved. The value attitude of students to all social and cultural phenomena can be used as an important beginning in the formation of a civic position and experience of socially useful deeds and actions. The teaching staff of the faculty pays considerable attention to the spiritual and moral education of students, this work is carried out on a systematic basis. The management of the university and faculty supports clubs and circles in all their endeavors. According to the results of the study, the conclusion was formulated that the activities of student clubs and circles at the Faculty of History and Philology allow us to combine efforts in the spiritual and moral education of young people, the formation of civic patriotism. The initiators and organizers of these associations are students, and the leaders are teachers of the Department of General History, National History, Russian language, Literature and Journalism. The work of student associations at the faculty contributes to improving the effectiveness of patriotic education, the development of social activity of students, the formation of social competencies necessary for a future specialist.
University memorial tradition and “jubilee history” of the Mari State University
UDC: 378.4(470.343)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Galina V. Rokina;
The article discusses the main plots of the so-called “jubilee history” of the Mari State University, which are reflected in monographic publications and scientific articles dedicated to the round and jubilee dates from the day of its foundation. As a methodological approach, the author relies on the University memorial tradition and University studies as a new scientific direction that unites researchers of various humanities disciplines. The article analyzes in detail how the jubilee history of the Mari State University was formed, and how it is reflected in the historiography and official chronicle. When describing the main commemorative publications that were published at the Mari State University, the author of the article sought to determine how the author’s point of view of their compilers influenced the selection of the main content of publications and the nature of the historical description of events and facts. In addition to the historiographical edition, the article provides a brief source analysis of documents, which allowed the author of the article to show the reasons for the existing discrepancies in determining the date of formation of the university. The article analyzes not only offi-cial sources, but also ego-documents that make up the source base of the history of the opening of the first classical university in the Republic of Mari El. The article concludes that the anniversaries of univer-sities as a form of commemoration provide an opportunity to rethink the previous historical path, and also contribute to the formation of a sense of identity with the university corporation.
Nikolay Vasilyevich Abramov – researcher of the flora of the Republic of Mari El
UDC: 58(092)(470.343)
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Yulia G. Suetina;
The article reveals the facts of the biography and considers the multifaceted activities of one of the famous Russian botanists who devoted his life to studying the flora of the Republic of Mari El, a prominent representative of the Mari people, a talented researcher and teacher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nikolay Vasilyevich Abramov (1942‒2010). The purpose of the study is to characterize the scientific and pedagogical heritage of N. V. Abramov. The following methods were used in the study: biographical, bibliographic, historical. N. V. Abramov published more than 150 works, including monographs, articles in the “Botanical Journal”, materials in the international publication “Atlas Florae Europaeae”, textbooks on botany. The monograph “Synopsis of the Flora of the Republic of Mari El” (1995) and the reference book “Flora of the Republic of Mari El” (2008) are basic books for those who study the plants of the republic. He is a compiler of the first edition of “The Red Book of the Republic of Mari El: rare plants of the Mari flora in need of protection” (1997). N. V. Abramov for the first time conducted an inventory, botanical and geographical analysis of the flora and natural zoning of the republic, reviewed the history of the vegetation cover of the republic, identified rare and endangered plants, initiated the organization of a number of specially protected natural areas, developed a concept for the protection and rational use of flora resources (2000). He made a significant contribution to the study of the flora of the “Bolshaya Kokshaga” Nature Reserve and the “Mari Chodra” National Park. The creator of the “YOLA” Herbarium, which is the scientific and educational base of the University, N. V. Abramov worked at the Mari State University for about 40 years as an assistant, associate professor, professor, head of the department, vice-rector for scientific work. He was awarded honorary titles: Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Mari El, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. The contribution of N. V. Abramov to the study of flora and the development of natural science education in the Republic of Mari El is assessed, his role as an experienced administrator and popularizer of botany is noted.
Lidia Petrovna Vasikova – a true patriot of her small homeland
UDC: 378.4(470.343):811.511.151
Section: HISTORY
Authors: Galina A. Ertsikova;
The purpose of the article is to characterize the scientific and pedagogical activity of Doctor of Philology, Hon-orary Professor of the Mari State University Lidia Petrovna Vasikova. Lidia Petrovna is a true patriot of our re-public. She connected most of her work with the Mari Pedagogical Institute named after N. K. Krupskaya and the Mari State University – she went from assistant to professor. Her scientific works devoted to the problems of Russian and general linguistics, contrastive linguistics, language contacts, sociolinguistics, Mari linguistics, lexi-cography, have not lost popularity in the modern scientific world, they continue to be used by students, teachers, linguists... L. P. Vasikova made a significant contribution to solving problems and developing the Hill Mari lan-guage. In the early 1990s, she was a member of the Conciliation Commission for the preparation of the draft law “On languages in the Republic of Mari El”, a member of the group of linguistic experts in the preparation of the draft of the new Constitution of the Republic of Mari El and defended the idea of giving both Mari (Hill and Meadow) languages of the state status. On her initiative, for the first time in the history of the republic, a Rus-sian-Hill Mari group was created at the Faculty of History and Philology of MarSU and a research laboratory “Kyryk Mary Yylmy” (“Hill Mari language”) was opened. Lidia Petrovna was the head of the annual republican scientific and practical conferences “Ignatiev Readings”, held since 2001 in the Hill Mari district of the Republic of Mari El. Under her leadership, five postgraduate students wrote and defended dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences. L. P. Vasikova was awarded the titles “Honored Scientist of the Mari ASSR”, “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation”.